God’s Great Provision In Christ

We had looked at God’s Plan and his choosing of us before the world’s foundation.  Now we look at God’s Great Provision In Christ he has made to redeem us.

AAA_30We saw that in the Godhead, all things are “of” The Father. Everything is “by” the Son and then the The Holy Spirit implements these things and brings them into reality. Since all things are “OF” the Father, it was He who PLANNED the great scheme of salvation, (Eph 1: 3 to 5) !  Since all things God does are “by” the Son, it was He who came to earth and in awesome love went to the cross and accomplished that salvation. MAKING THE PROVISION for men and women to be saved according to the Father’s will..

The wonderful provision of our eternal salvation was made by Christ in His coming to earth to redeem us and is succinctly stated in Ephesians chapter one, verse seven.


Eph 1: 7 –   in whom we have our redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, 

The Son of God Jesus, in His wonderful love and grace, at an awesome cost,  redeemed us from our sins through His blood shed on the cross of calvary,  (1 Pet. 1:18-19).

1 Pet. 1:18-19 knowing that ye were redeemed, not with corruptible things, with silver or gold, from your vain manner of life handed down from your fathers;  but with precious blood, as of a lamb without spot, [even the blood] of Christ

The gospel of Matthew as well as the book of Hebrews tells us that the Son’s redemption through his blood is the forgiveness of our offenses. 
The Lord Jesus told his disciples on the night of his last supper with them, before his death.
Matt. 26:28 for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many unto remission of sins. 


Heb. 9:22 – .according to the law, I may almost say, all things are cleansed with blood, and apart from shedding of blood there is no remission

Redemption and forgiveness are actually two ends of one thing.  Because Jesus  has accomplished redemption for our offenses on the cross ,we receive forgiveness the very moment we believe in Christ.   Although redemption was accomplished on the cross when Christ shed His blood, it was not applied to us at that time. The application did not take place until we believed in Christ and made confession to the righteous God. At that very moment, the Spirit of God applied to us the redemption Christ had accomplished on the cross. Hence, redemption is the accomplishment, and forgiveness is the application.



God Has A Plan For Your Life

Friend, I want to tell you today that God has a plan for your life.  Provision has been made for your every need and God’s power can be released to bless your life.   Today God willing we will be looking into the Book of Ephesians which captivates us with theses three dynamic realities of God’s plan, God’s provision and God’s power.   

God The Father Made The Great Plan

Firstly ( on this webpage) we will look at some aspects of God our Father’s Plan for your life.  Matthew 28:19 speaks of the Father, the Son, and the Spirit.  in The Trinity it is GOD THE FATHER WHO MADE THE GREAT PLAN OF SALVATION.

The whole of the bible is about the Triune God—the Father, the Son, and the Spirit—working together to rescue and redeem men and women who have fallen and become slaves of sin and satan. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are perfecting redeemed humanity, and step-by-step these redeemed ones are being made into the glorious likeness of God’s beloved Son, (Rom 8:29). Finally this redeemed company will together become a “bride” full of love for God’s Son, (Rev 21:9).

In the Trinity, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are One God. They all co-exist together simultaneously in inapproachable EQUAL glory. However, there is a difference between the Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit. This is a difference in arrangement and function.

All things are “of” The Father. Everything is “by” the Son. The Holy Spirit implements these things and brings them into reality. Since all things are “OF” the Father, it was He who PLANNED the great scheme of salvation, (Eph 1: 3 to 5) !

Later, we will see that since all things God does are “by” the Son, it was He who came to earth and in awesome love went to the cross and accomplished that salvation. MAKING THE PROVISION for men and women to be saved, ( Eph 1:7).

Finally we will see that the Holy Spirit implements and bring into reality the salvation that Jesus accomplished in the Father’s plan, (Eph 1: 13, 14).   But  it is GOD THE FATHER WHO MADE THE GREAT PLAN OF SALVATION.

The Book of Ephesians Tells God’s Plan 

God has a wonderful plan for you

God has the most amazing plan for you.

The Book of Ephesians is a wonderful book that tells us that God has a plan and a purpose for each one of our lives. He has made a plan that is awesome and wonderful that causes us more and more to bear the image of our glorious God.
If we could only grasp and find out in our minds the great CHARACTERS that God has called us to have.   If we could only grasp in  our minds the great THINGS that God has called us to do, we would stand in awe and wonder and God’s plan for each one of us.
As well as telling us about God’s purpose the Book of Ephesians tells us how God has provided for that plan and purpose to be implemented and brought into reality. So the Book of Ephesians tells us about God’s plan that is His purpose. God’s PLAN (His purpose),  is the first thing described in the book of Ephesians.

God’s Plan For Your Blessing

Firstly let’s read the first few verses in the first chapter of Ephesians that speak concerning God’s plan.

Eph 1: 1 to 6 – Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, To the saints who are in Ephesus, and faithful in Christ Jesus: 2 Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, 4 just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, 5 having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, 6 to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved.

God Loved You Before The Earth Was Formed

From this portion of the first chapter of Ephesians we see God’s plan. God made a wonderful plan from before the foundations of the world – before there was time or space and before you and I were created. God thought about you and God thought about me and God loved you and God Loved Me.

We all had a physical birth when we came into being.
I was looking at a programme on the human body and genetics and in this program I discovered that each one of us starts life as ONE single cell.
Every one of us at the point of conception starts out as one single cell
and then by God’s grace and power, that number of cells multiply into millions and millions and millions and we become the individual that God has planned this to be.
But millions of years before that, if you belong to Jesus, your real beginning was in the mind and in the heart of God. Before the world was ever made and before the stars were ever created; before your mother and father thought about having you God loved you and planned a destiny for you.

God know the colour of your eyes and your personality. He even knew how many hairs would be on your head and exactly how many years days months and seconds you would live. You are not something that happened by chance.

If you’re reading this, let me tell you that you are very important in the heart and the mind in the plan of God and he has for you an awesome awesome destiny to fulfill.

Singing an anthem of Joy

Singing An Anthem of Joy To The Lord

We should all wake up every morning full of hope, life and expectancy. We should be full of excitement and expectation that God is going to use us every day that we live to serve him and to make a difference that will last forever in the kingdom of God!  Together we should all be singing an anthem of Joy to the Lord.

Ephesians 1:4 then, tells us that God chose us in him Christ before the foundations of the world that we should be holy and without blame before him in love. God chose us to be holy!

What It Means To Be  Holy

What does that mean ? let’s examine the word ‘Holy‘.

To be holy means to be separated from everything common, debased, messy and defiling and to be instead, SEPARATED UNTO GOD.  God wants that we be separated from everything common and unclean and ordinary and that we be separated unto Him who his holy. 

Holiness Brings Confidence and a Positive Attitude

 If we are separated unto God we will be full of a positive attitude. God has a positive attitude because he is the God of all hope, (Rom 15:13) .

Rom 15:13 – Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you believe in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

We as Christians should never allow negative thoughts to play opon our mind because God is Holy. He is a positive God with positive hopes and plans and dreams – so we should be like God. Full of hope!
if we are separated unto God and joined to God we should be full of love
the Bible says God Is Love, (1 John 4:8).

The Very nature of God is to love and if we are separated unto Him we will even love those who despises and mistreat us, because we will be like Jesus who’s on the cross Cried Out “father Forgive them For they don’t know what they are doing”, (Luke 12:34).

Now we read in verse 5 that God has adopted us to be his children to be his sons and Daughters. verse five actually tells us that God has predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ.
The word ‘predestined’ means to be marked out beforehand do a purpose or to be chosen beforehand.

From your point of view you chose Jesus when you made the decision to be a Christian and follow him – but from God’s point of view it was him who chose you even before you were born. He chose you do that you could would be saved and come to his Son for salvation.
The Bible teaches us that he chose you before the stars were in space that you would be a son or daughter of the living God and come to Christ
Eph 1:5 –– Having predestined us to adoption as Sons by Jesus Christ to himself according to the good pleasure of his will.

Let’s look at the words – ‘according to the good pleasure of his will’. Let’s put them into a more Modern language. what this verses is telling us is that it THRILLED God’s heart the thought that you would be his son or daughter! God WAS so wonderfully happy before the stars were put in space to think that you would be his son or daughter. he loves you so much; God we’re so happy when he thought of you.

God’s provision

The second thing that the Book of Ephesians tells us about is God’s Provision. This is what God has done to bring  his plan and purpose into existence. He did that by sending His wonderful Son,  Jesus to redeem us.   

To continue reading more about the wonderful  provision that the Lord Jesus Christ has made for us proceed to

But finally the third thing that shows is in the Book of Ephesians is his power. This is God’s power In our lives by the Holy Spirit to bring about what he has planned and purpose and provided for.


or …….


Most beautiful Words of Love

Greetings everybody!  Today from Philippians chapter 2 we are looking at four most beautiful words of love.  These come from the first verse of a great chapter.  Philippians 2 is one of the most wonderful chapters  in scripture.   It speaks of glorious truths that need to be approached with reverence.  

Beautiful words of loveThe Four Precious Things

As we approach the great truth in this passage we should take the shoes off our feet spiritually and reverence, for as we read this together we are standing truly on Holy Ground.

We will be looking at 4 beautiful words in these verses that describe the love we share in our christian fellowship.   For the benefit of readers who speak and read Tagalog, the scripture references have also been given in that language.

Here is the verse we will look at …….

Phil 2:1Therefore if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of  love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and mercy,
Phil 2:1Kaya nga kung mayroong anomang kasiglahan kay Cristo, kung
mayroong anomang kaaliwan ng pagibig, kung mayroong anomang pakikisama ng
Espiritu, kung mayroong anomang mahinahong awa at habag,

The four words we will look at are ……

  • CONSOLATION – (kasiyahan)
  • COMFORT OF LOVE – (kaaliwan ng pagibig)
  • FELLOWSHIP OF THE SPIRIT – (pakikisama ng Espiritu)

This passage starts off by saying “kaya”. In Tagalog…. kaya

In the English translation of the bible this is translate “IF”. The word in the original Greek language of the Bible is better translated ‘since’.

… SINCE ( so, therefore ” kaya”)

It’s really saying that ‘Since’ we have such wonderful consolation in Christ; in Christ, in the church, by his Spirit the Lord has given us many great blessings and in Jesus Christ we are so richly blessed!

Word 1 – CONSOLATION- kasiyahan

That word ‘consolation’ (kasiyahan) in the original language of the Bible is the word “parakaleo” and it means ‘encouragement‘.

It is the same word used when Jesus said to his disciples in in the Gospels of
John – will send you another comforter that he will be with you forever even
the Spirit of Truth.
John 14:16 And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Advocate to be with you forever —
John 14:16At ako’y dadalangin sa Ama, at kayo’y bibigyan niya ng ibang Mangaaliw, upang siyang suma inyo magpakailan man,

So that word ‘consolation’ means to cheer on, to encourage, to comfort and  strengthen. And all these wonderful blessings are ours as we share in the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. So this word ‘consolation’ means to “Cheer us on.” It means to “Wave the flags”. To “Encourage us”.

God shouts to us with Joy ….” You can make it!”


Next we come to the second word …. ‘COMFORT OF LOVE’ – (kaaliwan ng pagibig)

In the original Greek language of the Bible, the New Testament ues the word “Paramuthion.” This means a comfort that comes very close to one. So the word means God comes very Close to us ……. tenderly ….. like a kiss to bring us sweet intimate comfort.

In the Fellowship of the Church of God ( among God’s children), the Holy Spirit not only cheers us on with a shout. The Holy Spirit also comes along very gently at times when we need and whispers gentle words of comfort and love….., VERY CLOSELY into our hearts.

And the Most beautiful and wonderful thing of all is that….

We also encourage each other.  We all need each other and God expects us to encourage each other in the faith.  God expects each one of Us to sometimes speak gentle words of Love and comfort to a brother or sister.

Sometimes we need to speak gentle words of Love and say to each other, “cheer up my brother I know what you are going through”..
Or to say, ” cheer up my sister, I know what you are going through”..

God knows what you are going through and he will bring you through into Victory!


Thirdly we come to the phrase…..”FELLOWSHIP OF THE SPIRIT – (pakikisama ng Espiritu”.)

The Greek word for ” fellowship” here means “a sharing in something together.”   When people go to the pub to drink AND want a drink they go to share .  The thing they go to share in is not really Fellowship! it may be good and they MAY make friends but it’s not even friendship that they are sharing in!  The thing that they are sharing is …..alcohol! …Booze.

the Bible nowhere tells us that we should never drink. The Bible does not teach but we must be teetotal. The original Jewish people have many festivals where the cheerful. moderate use of wine was used a lot.  But drunkenness is a sin. drunkenness is a sin and God hates drunkenness because it is a ” work of the flesh, (Gal 5:21).  But what I’m saying is, that they go to share in alcohol, but Praise God we share in God’s Holy Spirit.

Eph 5:18,  19 Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to reckless indiscretion. Instead, be filled with the Spirit. 19 Speak to one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your hearts to the Lord,…
Eph 5:18. 19At huwag kayong magsipaglasing ng alak na kinaroroonan ng kaguluhan, kundi kayo’y mangapuspos ng Espiritu; 19 Na kayo’y mangagusapan ng mga salmo at mga himno at mga awit na ukol sa espiritu, na nangagaawitan at nangagpupuri sa inyong mga puso sa Panginoon;

We are all bathing and all sharing in a beautiful HOLY SPIRIT “bathtub” together. We are all being cleansed and and renewed by the spirit of God. We all share in together in such beautiful things. We are all DRINKING IN together in such beautiful truth. But the MOST WONDERFUL THING OF ALL is that we are sharing together in In the beautiful son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ that we love so much.


Last of all we read ” affections of mercy”

Different Bible translations may have different words for the word affection.
But again, it’s best to go back to the original Greek language of the Bible to get the accurate meaning. The word is the word ‘ splanchnon’


I guess that might sound a very strange word but it means… “Bowels”

This word was used because the ancient Greeks believed that the bowels where the centre of emotions. Even today, im modern times we often hear somebody say –
…….. “I really feel it in my guts”.

Sometimes when we feel emotions it really feels like its coming from deep down within us! ….OUR guts!

I want to say something here …]

Feelings and emotions are very important in the spiritual life. God expects us to feel emotions, but sadly different sectors of the church have tried to “cut off” the importance of emotions in a Christians life.

We often here the saying, “We walk by Faith not by feelings”.   This is very true – up to a certain point only.  Its truth lies in the fact that because our emotions are changeable  we need to stand up on God’s truth irrespective of how we feel.  However,  our emotions are vitally necessary if we are to love the Lord.  SOMETIMES ….like David the psalmist we need to say to our selves, ” bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name”,
(Psalm 103:1) .

We need to actually consciously stir up our emotions with the truth of God’s word!  Emotions are very important in the Christian Life. We need to love God and each other with tender emotions. The truth that we receive from God’s word by Faith; this truth should hit our emotions.  And when our emotions are stirred, (and I’m talking about godly emotions) being stirred – these godly emotions will propel us, DRIVE US, CAUSE US to serve God faithfully.
The Devil knows the importance of emotions!  He tries to trap people through
their emotions.

Satan doesn’t tempt us and tell us he wants us to DO EVIL. He attacks our emotional life.   He says, ” I’m offering you this …. it will stir your emotions and make you FEEL.”  Satan tempts us and tries to make us feel that sin ( rebellion) is …. EXCITING.
That sin is fascinating that sin is a alluring!
Satan tries to tell us that serving God is boring!
But I can tell you ……. SERVING GOD IS NOT BORING!!

Satan tries to tell us that the only emotions we’re going to feel – the best emotions we will feel are in sin! But that is a total lie. A TOTAL LIE……
The truly Christian life is full of beautiful sweet godly emotions and Passions.

People love to “FEEL”.   So that they can ” feel emotions”, many people spend hours crying in front of the TV set Over some Crazy FICTIONAL Love Story.   wasted hours….wasted hours.
Many people spend hours crying in front of the TV set Over some Crazy Love Story
or sob story …Wasting emotions on fiction. I don’t waste my time and emotions om FICTION.
I am stirred up by the reality and beauty of Jesus christ and God’s word of truth.

I’m not saying we should never watch a TV program or a play. But let’s not waste our emotions on things that will not last forever.  Let’s offer and pour our emotions into loving a wonderful, glorious, majestic,  gracious God and into the magnificent things he has accomplished for us.  It’s far better to experience all the beauty of the emotions Our Lord is able and wants to put into US.

Let’s continue with the verses up to verse 4
Phil 2: 2 to 4 Fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same
love, being of one accord, of one mind. 3 Let nothing be done through selfish
ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than
himself. 4 Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for
the interests of others.
Phil 2: 2 to 4 – Ay lubusin ninyo ang aking katuwaan, upang kayo’y mangagkaisa ng pagiisip, mangagtaglay ng isa ring pagibig, na mangagkaisa ng akala,
at isa lamang pagiisip; 3 Na huwag ninyong gawin ang anoman sa pamamagitan ng pagkakampikampi o sa pamamagitan ng pagpapalalo, kundi sa kababaan ng pagiisip, na ipalagay ng bawa’t isa ang iba na lalong mabuti kay sa kaniyang sarili;
4 Huwag tingnan ng bawa’t isa sa inyo ang sa kaniyang sarili, kundi ang bawa’t isa naman ay sa iba’t iba.

The Word says, “Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit!”
It’s very possible to do good things for the wrong motive.  It’s easy to be conceited or have selfish ambition and to make a display!   It’s easy to be conceited or have selfish ambition!  

If Our Emotions and Motives are Wrong

If our motives are wrong … and if we truly belong to Jesus…… God will CORRECT us gently
if our motives are wrong …… God will show us gently and we will be changed as
we admit our pride and sin. But it so easy to do things to show off.

We need to be humble! But let me tell you something amazing. Jesus IS humble. Jesus our Mighty Lord and Saviour is humble.

Jesus Our Lord Is Humble

He said in Matthew chapter 11…..
Matthew 11:29Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

Matthew 11:29Pasanin ninyo ang aking pamatok, at magaral kayo sa akin; sapagka’t ako’y maamo at mapagpakumbabang puso: at masusumpungan ninyo ang kapahingahan ng inyong mga kaluluwa.
IF we are his…. If we belong to him…..we will have his spirit of humility.   JESUS ….he always stooped to serve!
In John’s gospel, chapter 13 we see that Our Lord took the towel and washed his disciples feet.
So we only need to ALLOW his attitude….. his spirit of humility to fill us….
Praise God we can have a humility that is far greater than our own ( natural)

Jesus is HUMBLE – and humility is the ” very perfume of heaven”, so verse 5 carries on…… saying …
Philippinas 2:5 – 8Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, 6
who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God,
7 but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and
coming in the likeness of men.



La Fede La Speranza e L’amore

La Prima lettera ai Tessalonicesi capitolo 5 ci dà  esortazioni su come vivere come credenti come noi custodire La Fede La Speranza e L’amore nella nostra vita.

A Guardia Nostra Fede, Speranza e Amore Mentre Aspettiamo Gesù Ritorno

La Fede La Speranza e L'amoreIn questo capitolo ci dice come la protezione di questi tre preziose virtù eterne mentre aspettiamo la venuta del Signore. Queste tre preziose qualità eterne sono la nostra fede, la nostra speranza e il nostro amore, (1 Tess 1:3,  1 Cor 13:13). Questi Tessalonica cristiani erano pieni di queste belle qualità durevoli, fede, speranza e amore,

Quindi aprire le bibbie. Apriamo le nostre Bibbie al primo libro di Tessalonicesi 5: 1. La prima sezione leggeremo sarà dal versetto uno al versetto otto.

1 Tessalonicesi 5: 1 a 8 –  Riguardo poi ai tempi e ai momenti, fratelli, non avete bisogno che ve ne scriva; infatti voi ben sapete che come un ladro di notte, così verrà il giorno del Signore. E quando si dirà: «Pace e sicurezza», allora d’improvviso li colpirà la rovina, come le doglie una donna incinta; e nessuno scamperà. Ma voi, fratelli, non siete nelle tenebre, così che quel giorno possa sorprendervi come un ladro: voi tutti infatti siete figli della luce e figli del giorno; noi non siamo della notte, né delle tenebre. Non dormiamo dunque come gli altri, ma restiamo svegli e siamo sobri. Quelli che dormono, infatti, dormono di notte; e quelli che si ubriacano, sono ubriachi di notte. Noi invece, che siamo del giorno, dobbiamo essere sobri, rivestiti con la corazza della fede e della carità e avendo come elmo la speranza della salvezza.

Introduzione – Una Chiesa Vivace piantato Rapidamente

Nel momento in cui l’apostolo Paolo scrisse a loro, i credenti di Tessalonica erano i membri di una chiesa molto di recentemente impiantato. Questa chiesa era stato solo in esistenza circa un anno. Anche se Paolo era stato con loro predicando per un tempo molto breve, già la chiesa era piena di fede, speranza e amore. Questi sono tre virtù preziose che tutti noi dovremmo nutrire e proteggere. Leggiamo quanto segue nel libro degli Atti capitolo 17:

Atti 17: 1  a 3:  Seguendo la via di Anfipoli e Apollonia, giunsero a Tessalonica, dove c’era una sinagoga dei Giudei. 2 Come era sua consuetudine Paolo vi andò e per tre sabati discusse con loro sulla base delle Scritture, 3 spiegandole e dimostrando che il Cristo doveva morire e risuscitare dai morti; il Cristo, diceva, è quel Gesù che io vi annunzio.

Vediamo da questa narrazione in Atti che Paolo rimase solo con loro per un brevissimo lasso di tempo di tre settimane. Paolo ero stato tra di loro solo tre settimane istruendo i credenti nella fede del Signore Gesù Cristo. Questo ci mostra che quando Dio si sta muovendo con forza che può fare un lavoro rapido! Quando Dio è lavorando potentemente, perché noi stiamo lavorando con il suo movimento, si può fare un lavoro spirituale profonda in un brevissimo lasso di tempo. proprio per questo breve lasso di 21 giorni Paul ha spiegato e dimostrato dalle scritture ebraiche che il Cristo doveva soffrire e risorgere dai morti. Egli proclamò loro apertamente: “Questo Gesù che sto predicando a voi è il Cristo.”

Atti capitolo 17 versi quattro ci dice che alcuni di loro credevano che il meraviglioso vangelo di Gesù.

Atto 17:4Alcuni di loro furono convinti e aderirono a Paolo e a Sila, come anche un buon numero di Greci credenti in Dio e non poche donne della nobiltà.

versetto 4 ci dice. che dopo questa, Paolo ha dovuto lasciare e abbandonare la città a causa delle persecuzioni .. Scrivendo questa epistola ai Tessalonicesi solo pochi mesi dopo questo, egli ricordò loro le sofferenze per Cristo che aveva sperimentato a Philipi prima del suo arrivo in mezzo a loro. Inoltre ha ricordato che nel bel mezzo di continuare persecuzioni, il Signore gli aveva dato il coraggio di predicare il Vangelo a loro.

1 Tessalonicesi 2:2Ma dopo avere prima sofferto e subìto oltraggi a Filippi, come ben sapete, abbiamo avuto il coraggio nel nostro Dio di annunziarvi il vangelo di Dio in mezzo a molte lotte.

Attraverso tutte le dure prove l’apostolo ha dovuto sopportare, Paolo è stato in grado di stabilire una chiesa che era piena di fede. pieno di amore e piena di speranza. Non solo quello! I nuovi credenti non siamo solo ricco di fede, speranza e amore; erano anche un popolo che in cui con entusiasmo in attesa del ben presto Venuta del Signore Gesù Cristo.  Paolo, nel primo capitolo aveva scritto a loro ……

1 Tessalonicesi 1: 8 a 10:   Infatti la parola del Signore riecheggia per mezzo vostro non soltanto in Macedonia e nell’Acaia, ma la fama della vostra fede in Dio si è diffusa dappertutto, di modo che non abbiamo più bisogno di parlarne.  9 Sono loro infatti a parlare di noi, dicendo come noi siamo venuti in mezzo a voi e come vi siete convertiti a Dio, allontanandovi dagli idoli, per servire al Dio vivo e vero.  10 e attendere dai cieli il suo Figlio, che egli ha risuscitato dai morti, Gesù, che ci libera dall’ira ventura.

Il rapporto si era già diffusa lungo e in largo su come sono stati con grande gioia in attesa della venuta del Signore Gesù Cristo. Loro avevano allontanato da loro idoli per aspettare pazientemente Figlio di Dio dal cielo. Questi credenti di Tessalonica avevano la verità che Gesù sarebbe venuto molto molto presto piantati nel profondo del loro spiriti. Per noi che vivono in tempi attuali, l’unica realtà che dovremmo avere brucia nel nostro spirito è l’aspettativa che Gesù potrebbe tornare molto molto presto. Questo atteggiamento (dei Tessalonicesi) dovrebbe essere la nostra come viviamo nel mondo di oggi, perché i segni che Gesù tornerà molti presto suonano come una tromba da ogni evento mondiale.

Mentre leggiamo il libro di Tessalonicesi ne vedremo delle esortazione pratico. Abbiamo questa meravigliosa speranza e la certezza che il Signore Gesù tornerà sulla terra e che saremo riuniti per incontrarlo. Ma, come speriamo e mentre siamo in attesa che dobbiamo guardare e rimanere sobrio.

Dobbiamo incoraggiare l’un l’altro nella nostra fede e, soprattutto, dobbiamo incoraggiare i nuovi credenti e dire loro che mentre aspettano per il Signore dal cielo loro hanno bisogno di essere vigile e hanno bisogno di essere sobrio. Dobbiamo essere vigili e abbiamo bisogno di essere sobrio. Noi non dovrebbe dormire. Non dobbiamo diventare disattento. Non dobbiamo diventare stanco,

La Tempi e Le Stagioni

Nel primo verso del 1 Tessalonicesi capitolo 5 Paolo ha parlato di “tempi e momenti”.  ‘” Un tempo'” è come un (relativamente lungo) periodo di tempo ‘indeterminato’. ” I momenti” sono stagioni che sono più piccole “epoche” all’interno del lasso di tempo. All’interno di ogni epoca, Dio sta facendo qualcosa di molto specifico.  –

Per esempio se consideriamo un anno per essere un ‘tempo’ – Questo lasso di tempo (l’anno) è diviso in quattro epoche che conosciamo come le stagioni; queste stagioni sono la primavera, l’estate, l’autunno e l’inverno .  Ognuno di questi quattro stagioni è importante per la crescita di una certa coltura. Ogni stagione compie qualcosa di importante (ma diversa e specifica) nella crescita delle colture. –

A volte Dio deve utilizzare molte stagioni differenti per realizzare i suoi scopi eterni. Tutte queste stagioni sono importanti e Dio sta facendo qualcosa di specifico, essenzialmente diverso, ma di vitale importanza in ogni stagione che compongono l’arco di tempo dei suoi scopi. Nella nostra vita personale, Dio utilizzerà il sole dell’estate per scaldare i nostri cuori e ispirare, rinfrescare e ci delizia. Sarà anche necessario utilizzare volte il ‘invernali’ di avversità e di test per sviluppare la nostra pazienza e la resistenza.=

Song of Solomon 4:18 – Awake, north wind,and come, south wind! Blow on my garden that its fragrance may spread everywhere

Abbiamo bisogno sia dei venti Nord e del Sud (venti sia di benedizione e le avversità).

Gli Ultimi Giorni – La Fine dei Tempi in cui Viviamo Oggi

Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo ha predetta l’epoca in cui viviamo oggi

Matteo 24: 6 a 8Allora sentirete parlare di guerre e di rumori di guerre; guardate di non turbarvi, perché bisogna che tutte queste cose avvengano ma non sarà ancora la fine. 7 Infatti si solleverà popolo contro popolo e regno contro regno; vi saranno carestie, pestilenze e terremoti in vari luoghi 8 Ma tutte queste cose saranno soltanto l’inizio delle doglie di parto.

Tutti i segni che vediamo all’orizzonte al momento attuale sono cose che Gesù ci ha predetto. Le guerre, carestie, malattie e terremoti. Gesù ci ha detto che quando queste cose cominceranno ad accadere è il segno dell’inizio delle doglie di parto.

Ed in Luca, Gesù ci ha detto che quando vediamo tutte queste cose cominciano ad accadere allora dovremmo guardare in alto e sollevare la nostre teste al cielo, perché la nostra redenzione è vicina. Il tempo è

Luca 21:28Ora, quando queste cose cominceranno ad accadere, guardate in alto e alzate le vostre teste, perche la vostra redenzione è vicina.

E mentre ci guardiamo intorno agli eventi in corso in tutto il mondo vediamo che Planet Earth è nel caos totale e assoluta. In questo ambiente molto ostile abbiamo bisogno di alzare gli occhi e guardare per l’imminente ritorno di Gesù! Che Dio ci darà; Dio mi darà spirito di rapimento. Posso avere uno spirito che dice .. Sì, vieni, Signore Gesú, ( Apocalisse 22:20 ).

Il Ritorno di Israele al Suo Paese Negli Ultimi Giorni

Abbiamo attraversato  stagioni drammatiche piene di cambiamento nella storia del mondo. Una di queste stagioni coinvolti l’anno 1948.  1948 ha iniziato una nuova stagione per la nazione di Israele.  1948 è stato l’inizio della stagione, quando la nazione di Israele è tornato alla sua terra storica e geografica.     Per 2000 anni circa, dal AD70. il popolo d’Israele avevano posseduto senza terra e sono stati dispersi, braccato e perseguitato – braccato nei quattro angoli della terra.   Il olocausto nella Germania nazista è stato un recente visualizzazione grafica delle sofferenze che loro subite nel corso dei secoli.  Tuttavia, le scritture avevano predetto chiaramente che in un momento specifico della storia umana, la nazione ebraica sarebbe tornato di nuovo alla loro terra storica. Prima della dispersione finale degli ebrei, nei giorni che il Figlio di Dio, Gesù di Nazareth camminava sulla terra, Gesù aveva profetizzato la loro diffusione;  anche Gesù aveva  predetto la loro regathering negli ultimi giorni: 

Luca 21:24 Ed essi cadranno sotto il taglio della spada, e saranno condotti prigionieri fra tutte le nazioni; e Gerusalemme sarà calpestata dai gentili, finché i tempi dei gentili siano compiuti.

Questo evento è stato dichiarato bruscamente e improvvisamente.  Il 14 maggio 1948, il Consiglio ebraico popolare riuniti al Museo di Tel Aviv e ha approvato un proclama, dichiarando la creazione dello Stato di Israele. Il nuovo stato è stato riconosciuto la notte stessa da parte degli Stati Uniti e tre giorni dopo è stato approvato da parte dell’Unione Sovietica.   Anche i cristiani credenti, tra cui ben noti insegnanti della Bibbia ritenuti questa profezia da Gesù difficile da credere. Essi ritengono che questa piccola nazione d’Israele, dopo essere stato spostato ed espropriati per 2000 anni, avrebbe bisogno di un miracolo per questo si verifichi. Essi ovviamente erano corrette.   Ma Dio ha fatto compiere questo miracolo ed questa profezia parlata da Gesù!

La possibilità di annientamento globale

La stagione in cui stiamo vivendo, è quella in cui per la prima volta nella storia umana il mondo intero potrebbe essere annientata da scambi nucleari. Non c’è mai stato un momento così minacciosa come questo! Ma questa è la stagione in cui tale minaccia è davvero possibile, anche presto inevitabile.  

Il Nuovo Ordine Mondiale

Un altro segno che preannuncia la stagione che oggi viviamo è l’ascesa del “The New World Order”. Lo spirito del mondo ha influenzato la politica in un modo molto potente. Alto rango leader mondiali influenti cercare di negare la verità biblica che Gesù Cristo è venuto in questo mondo come un bambino. Questi politici e leader mondiali cercano di negare la verità che Dio è venuto in mezzo a noi vestito di carne umana. (1 Giovanni 4: 2, 3). Essi cercano di creare il mondo in cui ognuno crede che ci sono molte strade a Dio. Ma il nostro Salvatore ha affermato chiaramente (Giovanni 14: 6). ‘Io sono la Via, la Verità e la Vita – nessuno viene al Padre se non per me’.
Gesù è l’sola via verso Dio. Il Nuovo Ordine Mondiale cerca anche di abolire tutti i confini nazionali e demarcazioni della terra. Questo si fonde con l’ideologia del ‘multiculturalismo’, che ha (invece di aiutare la coesione sociale) ha portato a ghetti e violenza razziale nei molti luoghi in cui è stata praticata. La Bibbia è chiaro che Dio in realtà ordinato che ogni singola nazione ha i suoi confini geografici separati.

Atti 17:26 or egli ha tratto da uno solo tutte le stirpi degli uomini, perché abitassero sopra tutta la faccia della terra, avendo determinato le epoche prestabilite e i confini della loro abitazione,

I capi e politici di tutto il mondo nel Nuovo Ordine Mondiale stanno cercando di spingere Gesù “fuori dal quadro” e agiscono dallo spirito dell’Anticristo. Un tale uomo politico che ha operato in uno spirito Anticristo secondo il “Nuovo Ordine Mondiale) è stato ex-presidente Obama.  Obama durante il periodo della sua presidenza degli Stati Uniti ha dimostrato un’ossessione con l’Islam. Senza dubbio ci sono molta brava gente islamici; tuttavia la radice della religione stessa, ha uno spirito anticristo. Questa religione ha una dottrina di base che nega che Dio ha un Figlio.  L’Islam cerca anche di annientare la nazione di Israele dall’esistenza. La nazione di Israele sono popolo di Dio. Durante il periodo della sua presidenza Obama ha fatto numerose citazioni dal Corano islamica e ha cercato di elevare questa religione. In molte regioni del mondo in cui l’Islam è prevalente c’è un tentativo satanico per abbattere il cristianesimo e invece sollevare un predominio islamico opprimente.










to be continued presto

What Is Meant By Mystery of Godliness?

Paul talks of this phrase in 1st Timothy chapter 3, verse  16.  So here I will explain the powerful truth  concerning what is meant by  the Mystery of Godliness.  

God walked this planet 2000 years agoThis phrase, we will see. involves the ASTOUNDING Truth that God walked this planet in the person of His Son.   The Son of God became truly human, to live a beautiful life amongst us and die to redeem us.  This phrase also contains the truth that Jesus rose again after crucifixion and entered into glory.   However, this phrase also encapsulates the tremendous destiny of the Church ( God’s people), that they too are destined to glory.  The church will rise with Christ to be glorified,  The Church one day will be gloriously perfected and shine in this world!

The Household of God

God has a loving home where He lives, moves and acts!  It is His ‘Church’ to which  we all, (if saved) belong to.  This wonderful family, this household,  His church is precious to God and is being built by Jesus.

Mathew 16: 18I will build my Church and the gates of hell will NOT prevail against it.

Christians of all ‘churches’, denominations, as well as those with no denomination really belong to this great household – this ONE Church.  Acts 20:28 informs us that the Church (us collectively as believers) has been purchased by God’s own blood! What a wonderful scripture – proving that Jesus Christ is truly God; it was His blood that purchased the Church.

This Church that Jesus built and also purchased, is described in verse 15 as the custodian of the truth. (The pillar and ground of truth). Let’s look at the TRUTH – The major aspects of the truth, that are held and displayed by God’s household in verse 16.

The Mystery of Godliness

This verse appears to be a fragment of an early church ‘hymn’! It is the setting of the Churches beliefs to poetry and music.

1 Tim 3:16 – And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.

Let’s look at what the hymn is saying.

God Was Manifested in the Flesh

Who is it then that was manifested ‘in the flesh’? This was none other than God, the eternal creator of all things. This means an astounding thing!   God, became truly human and lived among us; He was the eternal Word of God, (The Son of God).  This is the creator (the Word) spoken about in John 1: 1-2 regarding His existence and power –  prior to His birth at Bethlehem as Jesus.

John 1:1, 2In the beginning the Word already existed. He was with God, and he was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. He created everything there is. Nothing exists that he didn’t make. Life itself was in him, and this life gives light to everyone. 3 God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him. 

These first two verses speak of the wonderful One who was in the VERY BEGINNING.  Before the world, space or time itself came into existence.  Verse 3 teaches that Jesus (The Word) created ALL things. Each flower, bird, every star, and every planet, angels and men all were created through him.

The Astounding Happening

Then something wonderful happened!  Let’s now look at a wonderful verse: John 1:14.

John 1:14  – And the Word became flesh and dwelt amongst us (and we beheld His glory, the glory of the only begotten of the Father – full of grace and truth.

ASTOUNDING! This means that one-day something AWESOME happened! The Lord Jesus at a particular time in history, became something He was not before! He became a physical being who was truly human in every way; a human life and human nature! Before that event in history 2000 years ago he was essentially Spirit as the Word with the Father.

The Apostle John’s Testimony

Years later the apostle John casting his memory back said that they had actually seen and touched this eternal and Wonderful One.   This One who had healed the sick, lifted the fallen, loved the sinners, comforted the sad, inspired men and lived and died and rose again for humanity.  Listen to John’s  words:

1 John 1:1 – The one who existed from the beginning is the one we have heard and seen. We saw him with our own eyes and (actually) touched him with our own hands. He is Jesus Christ, the Word of life!

The Life that knows No language

prostitutes were bathing Jesus feet with tears.John was trying to describe the “indescribable One” because there is no earthly language capable of describing the beauty of the life he lived among us.  Earthly languages all fail!  This life drew the loyalty of rugged fishermen; tax collectors and children.  All these were utterly drawn to him. Even prostitutes were bathing Jesus feet with tears of repentance as His gracious life drew them to sorrow over past sin,  a new sense of purity and an awareness of God’s love and grace.  As you read through the gospels, you will see that his was also a path of loneliness. Rejection at times by his own family and the most severe persecutions that came from the strict unyielding religion of his day were his lot! God (as Jesus) new human hunger, thirst, tiredness, temptation, temptation to discouragement, (dare I say it – real sexual temptation also). Every battle that we fight was his!    And praise God, every victory he won belongs to us also!

HOW human was Jesus?

According to  the scriptures the very test of whether a teacher is speaking from God actually depends upon whether or not he believes God became truly human!

1 John 4: 2,3By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God; and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; this is the {spirit} of the antichrist.

So how human was Jesus as he walked amongst us? – How much did he ‘lay aside’ and leave behind when he left heaven? Here are some scriptures to read up if you wish to:

Philippians 2: 6,7 – (The son of God) made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men.

Luke 2:52 – And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.  This tells us that He left behind His “omniscience”.   As God,  The Son of God knew all things.    However, as Jesus of Nazareth he had to learn and grow in wisdom an understanding as we all do.

Acts 10:38 –  God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.   As God, prior to his birth at Bethlehem,  The Son of God  was ALL POWERFUL.   After being born as a man and given the human name of Jesus he was totally dependent on God the Father and the power of the Holy Spirit.  

Hebrews 2; 18  – For in that He Himself has suffered, being tempted, He is able to aid those who are tempted.  The apostle James ( the Lord’s human brother) tells us clearly that God cannot be tempted, (James 1:13 ).   However. once the Son of God had taken humanity he knew the full force and blast of every human temptation we all endure.

Vindicated In the Spirit

This means that all through the earthly life of our Lord Jesus Christ, to the time of his ascension into glory, the Holy Spirit both preserved and bore testimony and attested to Christ’s worth and righteousness.

Jesus Vindicated at His Baptism and On The “Mount of Transfiguration”

Matthew 3: 16. 16 – When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him. 17 And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.  At Jesus Baptism – The Father and the Holy Spirit both attested to Jesus ‘Sonship’ .

In the gospel of Matthew chapter 17 we read that Jesus took Peter and the two brothers, James and John, and led them up a high mountain to be alone.    We are told that as they watched Jesus’ appearance was transformed so that his face shone like the sun.  His clothes also became as white as light.   Suddenly, Moses and Elijah appeared and began talking with Jesus.  Peter was so awe-struck with all that was happening that he exclaimed, “ Lord, it’s wonderful for us to be here! If you want, I’ll make three shelters as memorials[a]—one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”   Then God spoke from heaven…..

Matt 17:5 – While he was still speaking, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and behold, a voice out of the cloud said, “This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased; listen to Him”.

Jesus Was Offered Through The Eternal Spirit

As Jesus hung upon the cross bearing our sins and the curse of the whole universe, the Holy Spirit as very active.  Jesus Offering of Himself at the Cross was actually through the ‘eternal Spirit’   Hebrews 9:14  how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without blemish to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?   This is a glorious truth!   Among other things, this means that although the crucifixion was a historical event in time it had an eternal consequence.   Because it was such a mighty  ETERNAL EVENT it was planned and actually took place before the earth ever existed.

 Rev 13:8 says – all those dwelling on the earth will worship him, every one whose name is not written in the book of life of the Lamb who was slain from the foundation of the world.

My Christian brother and sister, your salvation is  SECURE.   When Jesus poured out His holy blood he purchased an  ETERNAL SALVATION  for you.   Not only are your past and present sins dealt with, bit also every sin you will commit in the future!

Jesus was Vindicated in The Spirit By His Glorious Resurrection

The resurrection designated and vindicated Jesus as the Son of God with power ( according to the Spirit of holiness).

Romans 1: 3-4 – His Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who was born of the seed of David according to the flesh, 4 and declared to be the Son of God with power according to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead.

Jesus – Becoming the ‘Life Giving Spirit’ in His Resurrection

It goes far deeper in truth than this..  Jesus, in His resurrection, even became the Life Giving Spirit, (1 Corinthians 15:45, 2 Corinthians 3:17. Bless God, He now comes to us to dwell and live in us. (Romans 8: 9-10, Ephesians 3:17).

1 Cor 15:45 – And so it is written, “The first man Adam became a living being.” The last Adam became a life-giving spirit.

Even while our Lord was on this earth the ‘Holy Spirit as the Spirit of Jesus was not available to man. Let’s look at a portion from the gospel of John together!

John 7:39 But this spake He of the Spirit, which they that believe on Him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given because Jesus was not yet glorified.

Now that our Lord has ascended,  He comes to us as the Life Giving Spirit. He said – “ I will come to you!”, ( John 14:18). His Spirit is now available to us to breath into our lives.   When he comes to us he brings all the victories He has accomplished for us through His incarnation (coming to earth), human life, crucifixion, resurrection and enthronement. He said before he left the earth – ‘Be of GOOD OF CHEER, I HAVE OVERCOME the world. All His NOW victories are available to us in the power of His life Giving Spirit.

Seen By Angels

Angels saw the incarnation, human living and ascension of Christ. ( Luke 2: 9-14; Matt 4:11; Revelation 5:6, 11-12). They worshipped him in heaven before He came to earth; they worshipped him at Bethlehem. All angels and all creation will forever more worship Jesus.

Rev 5:11 to EndAnd I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders: and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands; Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing.  And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power.  And the four beasts said, Amen. And the four and twenty elders fell down and worshipped him that liveth for ever and ever.

Singing, loud praise, with prostration! All is falling down before the lamb! (Jesus) – What a worship service!
Let’s join with the heavenly ‘choir’ Monday evening praising the lord Jesus!

Preached Among The Nations – Believed on In The World

Here we see that Jesus is not the exclusive property of any race or nation. He was not just the Messiah who had come to raise the Jews to earthly greatness. He was and is, the saviour of ALL nations; of the whole wide world.
Let’s pray as we gather that His word may go forth to the whole earth. Let’s praise Him that His love and grace is reaching out to all men today. Freeing, healing, saving, liberating, blessing! AMEN.

Taken Up Into Glory

This refers to Christ’s ascension into glory, (Mark 16:19; Acts 1: 91-11; Philippians 2:9). According to historical sequence, Christ’s ascension went before Him being preached among the nations. However, it is listed here as the last event.  This is for a very good reason (other than poetry).

This indicates that the Church ( God’s redeemed) is taken up into glory as Our Lord was! It implies that not only Christ as the HEAD, but also the Church AS HIS BODY is the manifestation of God in the flesh. We (together as His church are a human manifestation of the life of God on this earth)!

If we as the Church will only function as the loving ‘household of God. If we as the church will only function as the supporting pillar and ground of truth – we as His Body will bear a glorious testimony to the world. And one day the whole Christ – not only the head (Jesus) but also us (the Body) will together be caught up with Him into the glory!
The story of Jesus started in heaven; it ends in heaven! William Barclay says – “ He lived as a servant, He was branded as a criminal, He was crucified on a cross – He arose with the nail prints on him still. But the end is GLORY!”



Is This The Fast I Have Chosen

I am concerned at the harsh “Yoke” of control that Christian church leaders exercise upon the Lord’s people.  One arena  is the call to fast  type of control.  This is manifested is in the ” calls to fasting” that are made in the churches.  

ac15Removing Religions Harsh Yoke From The Flock

Often one solitary Guru type leader or so called Senior pastor tells God’s flock that they are called to fast. Is this degree of control biblically based?

God’s Local Leadership Is Plural

(1) Each local congregation is shepherded, guided, led and nourished by a PLURAL GROUP OF ELDERS. There is no role of ” senior pastor” mentioned anywhere in God’s Word. No leading elder to dictate or to be God’s sole spokesperson on important decisions,. The one -pastor system is not scriptural. All of the five fold ministry gifts ( including that of pastor) are trans-local. ministering to all Christ’s Body. However in the local assembly God’s will in important decisions should normally first be revealed to a WHOLE COLLECTIVE GROUP of

Titus 1: 4 to 7 – To Titus, my true child in our common faith: Grace and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Saviour. The reason I left you in Crete was that you would set in order what was unfinished and appoint elders in every town, as I directed you. An elder must be ….

1 Peter 5:1 – To the elders among you, I appeal as a fellow elder and a witness of Christ’s
sufferings who also will share in the glory to be revealed: …

God’s Five-fold Ministry Will Bear RESPONSIBILITY

( 2) In general, it is God’s leaders, ( five fold ministry) that are expected to take the lead, shoulder the burden and responsibility in spiritual warfare, fasting etc.  

In Acts chapter 13 we see such a group consisting of teachers and prophets who together are ministering to the Lord with fasting. the account does NOT say that the whole church was involved in this spiritual discipline; this time of special ministry and fasting was borne by prophets and teachers ( Presumably also, The Holy Spirit spoke collectively to these brothers calling them into this time of fasting).

Acts 13: 1 to 4 – Now in the church at Antioch there were prophets and teachers: Barnabas, Simeon called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen (who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch) and Saul. 2While they were worshipping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off.

Avoiding Tempting God By Harsh Control

(3) – There are a minimal of  ” Necessary things” to be observed by the gentiles who have turned to God from idols.

Acts chapter 15 is pivotal. God has included this chapter – almost in the centre of the book of Acts. It is very important! According to Acts 15:10, to impose anything MORE than these things listed in this chapter is in effect to ” tempting God”.

Acts 15:10 – Now therefore why do you put God to the test by placing upon the neck of the disciples a yoke which neither our fathers nor we have been able to bear?

The Law of Moses imposed many burdens upon God’s children under the Old Covenant, There where commands, festivals to be compulsorily kept and observances that were described in Acts 15: 10 as things ” hard to put up with”.  Dare we, as called ministers of God impose upon Gods ” lambs” another set of special fast days and religious things to replace these many Jewish laws, ordinances, restrictions and disciplines.  Christ came to set us free from all such observances under the New Covenant”?  Indeed, we as leaders can invite the ” lambs ” to join us in any of these times we feel God has called us to. But, there ought not to be any sense of compulsion or expectation that they join us. They should feel totally free.


In short, what I am saying is this:

Any special times of fasting, need for teaching sessions, church disciplines etc., should normally be revealed to the whole group of elders that care for the church.  The leaders and ministry gifted members should bear the responsibility. Others in the church may ( and perhaps ought to be invited to join in) – but it needs to be made absolutely clear that there is no sense of compulsion on the flock of God.  To do so is to “ tempt God“.



What Is Heaven Like ? – 2

The second in the series on the subject, ‘What is heaven like?”.  In the first section we have been looking together at the reality of the The New Jerusalem. It is our eternal home.  Our home, the New Jerusalem, will be the place where we God’s redeemed children will live forever and shine as the stars for evermore. We will be thrilled as we are looking together at the last two chapters of God’s word, – Revelation chapters 21 and 22.

There Was No More Sea

Verse one tells us that there is no more sea.

A New Heaven and a New Earth.Rev 21:1 – And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.

This has disappointed some. But there is no need to worry and be disappointed. There is surely water in this new earth (Rev 22:1 ).  There may well be beautiful lakes and parks within the New Jerusalem or on the new earth, which as we shall see later must be greatly enlarged. The New earth will be far bigger than this present old earth; we just are not told everything.  But why is the “sea” no longer present in the New heaven and New earth?  Let’s look together as we seek revelation from the Lord  as to what is meant by this statement.  Firstly as we look into this we will see that scripture often uses the “sea ” as a metaphor of God’s judgement, and also the distress and turmoil among the nations.   The sea may also be used to represent  that which divides and separates that which should be complete and united. 

The Sea of God’s Judgement

Let’s look at “ the sea” speaking of judgement. We know that God sent a very great sea, a very large deluge of flood in the days of Noah that covered all the earth.   God sent a flood and brought judgement on an ungodly generation who had become so corrupt that EVERY imagination of their hearts was only evil continually, (Gen 6:5).  Only Noah, his wife and his three sons, together with his sons wives entered the ark that Noah had built and where saved.  So here we see that the waters in the day of Noah speak of judgement. Satan and his evil followers have all now been judged and been dealt with and will not be found in the new heaven and new earth. (jER 5:22).

The sea is also a holding place for evil spirits that have been judged and are waiting for final judgement in the Lake of fire . Revelation chapter 9 tells us that at this moment in time God has bound up four angels in the great river Euphrates. The sea will also give up its dead for the final judgement day.

Rev 9:13, 14 And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates.

Rev 20: 13  And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.

The Genesis 1:1 Judgement

Many believe that the reference to the “face of the deep” in the second verse of the book of Genesis speaks of judgement.

Gen 1:1 and 2 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.  2 And the earth was ( alt., became) without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

Many good bible teachers believe that the “ face of the deep” speak of waters that God used to judge a previous world that had existed before the time of Adam and Eve. It is possible that there is a vast gap, involving a time of God’s judgement between the first and second verses of Genesis.
If we look at the Hebrew word for “was” in Genesis 1:2, we see that it can equally be translated, “became”. Thus, the first two verses of Genesis will read, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, and the earth became waste and empty and darkness was on the face of the deep.

In the beginning God  would have created the heavens and the earth good and beautiful. Then something happened to cause the earth to became a chaos and vacant mess. Something happened between verse 1 and verse 2 which caused the earth to become waste and empty. Further evidence that points to a gap between the fist two verses of Genesis comes from the book of Job.

Job 38:4 to7  – when God laid the measure of the foundation of the earth, the sons of God (the angels) shouted for joy.

We can see that the sons of God ( the angels) were created before man was created – but why would they shout for joy?  Why ever would they rejoice over a vast “ deep” covered with darkness? It is more probable that they were rejoicing over a beautiful creation that would have been wonderfully created with order and symmetry and that was very good – spoken into existence by a God who makes everything beautiful!

Satan’s Fall

The event that caused chaos and emptiness would have been the pollution of the universe caused by Satan. He had previously been created as God’s second -in-command; Satan’s origin was wonderful. He was God’s anointed cherub, the one closest to God, holding the highest position in God’s creation.
Ezekiel 28 describes his position in the universe before his rebellion and corruption.

Ezekiel 28: 13  You have been in Eden the garden of God.

If we read the context, we can see that this was not the Eden in which Adam was put. This Eden was not on the earth, but in the heavens, on the holy mountain of God.  

Pride of Heart Caused Satan’s Downfall

The thing that caused Satan’s rebellion and downfall was the pride of his heart. Satan lost his lofty exalted position next to The Most high when he rebelled against God and in the pride in his heart desired to be equal with God. Ezekiel 28:17 says that his heart was lifted up because of his beauty.

God cannot tolerate any rebellion among His creatures so immediately after Satan’s rebellion, God declared His judgement on him. Satan was cast out of heaven. God declared….
I cast you as a profane thing Out of the mountain of God; And I destroyed you, O covering cherub, From the midst of the fiery stones. 17 “Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty; You corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendour; I cast you to the ground, I laid you before kings, That they might gaze at you. 18 “You defiled your sanctuaries By the multitude of your iniquities, By the iniquity of your trading; Therefore I brought fire from your midst; It devoured you, And I turned you to ashes upon the earth In the sight of all who saw you.

The heavens and the earth were defiled by Satan’s rebellion and along with Satan were also judged by God. Job 9:5-7 says that God overturned the mountains in His anger, shook the earth out of its place, commanded the sun not to rise, and sealed the stars. Since we cannot find a record of an event like this in all of human history we must reckon that this judgement must have happened before the time of Adam and Eve. Because of God’s judgement, the heavens did not shine. The earth was covered by darkness. The fact that the earth, after being judged by God, was buried under the deep water proves that God must have judged the earth by flooding it with water. So, “the earth became waste and empty,” buried under deep water, and covered with darkness (Gen. 1:2).

(V1 to say “the sea is no more” indicates that Satan and his evil followers have all
been dealt with and will not be found in the new heaven and new earth. (jER 5:22),
Noah, Matt 8:29-32, Rev 20:13, Rev 19:4 – “Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates.”

The Sea That Separates and Divides

That which separates and divides – Especially to the apostle John imprisoned on the isle of Patmos, the sea was something that was separating him from his beloved brothers and sisters in Christ. He was in solitary! John was a lover of men who no doubt loved human company – especially the fellowship of fellow believers. Just across the sea from him was the city of Ephesus which was a great city full of people – the sort of place he would have loved to evangelize and no doubt there were already some Christians that he knew and loved who lived there. The “sea” was separating him from his beloved in Christ. One day for John, and one day for us there will be no more parting and separation.

Just as the sea separates nations and people from each other, in the same way there are things – imperfections and subtle forces and attitudes that in this age exist in our lives, that stop even the closest friends being truly one with each other. In the new heaven and new earth – in the eternal state all the negative forces and emotions that tend to separate us from one other will be removed. All of us, In Christ will for evermore enjoy a closeness that we could never ever know now. In the New Jerusalem we will not only recognize each other and share memories of our lives together. We will love each other in a deeper way than we can ever imagine at this time. The “ sea of separation” will be for evermore abolished!

No More Separation – Ever

No more separation. No more parting; we will recognise each other on that day! The disciples of the Lord Jesus recognised him after his resurrection, as he walked around in His glorified body (John 21:7). In Matthew 17 and Luke chapter 9 Moses and Elijah appeared in glory on the “mountain of transfiguration” with Jesus. They were talking to Our Lord about the mighty DEATH he would accomplish to save us – and in some miraculous way we are told that the disciples recognised both Moses and Elijah. They KNEW who they where. The Lord didn’t come to them and say, Hey – here are Moses and Elijah talking with me. In the same way we will recognise, know and love each other.

As we enjoy this precious closeness with the Lord and each other, will we remember times that we lives on earth? I believe that we will! The scriptures tell us that in eternity we will be LIKE Jesus. 1 John 3:2 – Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is”

Yes, we will be like him – and Jesus Jesus knew and remembered His disciples and remembered His life on earth. After his resurrection, as he appeared before them in his spiritual body, he reminded them about the reality of his rising again according to the prophets which he had previously told them about during the time of his earthly life. This is what I told you while I was still with you: Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms.”, (Luke 21:44).

In the New Jerusalem there will be 1000000’s of brothers and sisters in Christ we do not yet know. Not yet! We will one day! At the moment we are separated from them. We may have been born in a different age. They may live or have lived 1000’s of miles away. They may even live in our neighbourhood, but circumstances have not yet brought us together. A SEA DIVIDES US NOW!. One day that “sea of separation” will be no more. We will have the excitement of developing new relationships throughout eternal ages! We will be able to meet new people and develop new friendships. Won’t it be something to be able to spend time with Abraham or Moses or Elijah or Peter?

No more sea of separation in that day! We will be as close to each other in eternity as we are now to our husbands and wives in this life.
The one-flesh relationship we currently enjoy in marriage is a signpost pointing to our relationship with Christ, who is our bridegroom. Once we reach our final destination, the signpost will no longer be necessary. The purpose of marriage is not to replace heaven, but to prepare us for it (Ephesians 5:31-32). Does this mean that we will not be as close to our husbands or wives as we have been in this world? Not at all! We will be closer knowing that God chose us for each other so that we might sample what life will be like with Him in Heaven.



What is Heaven Like?

This day I come to you all with good News! Today I come to you with glorious news! Today I come to you with a message concerning our glorious eternal home.

The Realty of the The New Jerusalem

Our home will be the New Jerusalem; it will be the place where we, God’s redeemed children, will live forever and shine as the stars for evermore. We will be thrilled as we are looking together at the last two chapters of God’s word, – Revelation chapters 21 and 22.

We Can Know The Things Prepared For Us

Many Christians suppose that our future eternal state is a closed mystery that cannot be known. They either suppose that we can’t know in this life what our future state will be like or they have strange and weird suppositions of heaven. Such people often quote from First Corinthians, chapter 2, verse 9, which says – No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.

The New Jerusalem is our beautiful home.They quote this verse, but completely fail to read and assimilate the next verse, verse 10. We read here one of God’s wonderful ‘buts’! We go on to read in verse ten, “….But it was to us that God revealed these things by his Spirit. For his Spirit searches out everything and shows us God’s deep secrets”. The Holy Spirit is telling us through the writings of the apostle Paul that although we cannot fathom out heaven’s reality with our limited brains, the Spirit of God plumbs these deep truths and reveals them to us. My Christian friend, God wants to make your future eternal destiny very real to you! Of course we can never know fully the marvellous things that have been prepared for us, but we can know enough to thrill out hearts and inspire our vision. We can know enough of eternity that when we enter it – it will NOT be strange to us, because we have already had a foretaste of it and also been thrilled with the vision of it.

Lifting our Gaze to Eternal Things

God wants us to lift our eyes above the mundane. He so much wants to enable us to look beyond our present problems and hardships and spur us on in our pilgrimage. He will do this by giving us a vision of the glory to come. God exhorts us –

 Col 3:1, 2Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God’s right hand. Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth.’,.

God wants us to understand our wonderful destiny and inheritance so that we see our future problems in the shining light of eternity;

Rom 8: 17, 18 – since we are his (God’s) children, we are his heirs. In fact, together with Christ we are heirs of God’s glory. But if we are to share his glory, we must also share his suffering yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later.” (Rom 8:17,18). Verse 17 is teaching us that we are actually to be co-heirs with Christ.

A place of Undescribable Glory and Beauty

The New Jerusalem will be a place of incredible glory and beauty. It is a possibility that our eyes will be able to see many colours that we were unable to see on earth as well as musical sounds we cannot even begin to imagine now. Every sight, every sound will be satisfying, completing and harmonious to us. You will never look at a wall again and think, “ this wall could have been a little different in color”. We will love one another and enjoy harmonious relationships in a way that we can never imagine now. The greatest joy of all however will be that we will forever be able to see the loving face of the Lord Jesus whom we will love so much. His precious Name will be indelibly imprinted on our hearts and minds! The greatest joy will be to forever discover new facets of His grace, kindness, love, personality and majesty! (Rev 22:4).

The Glorious Bible Vision

So let’s begin to read together from the book of Revelation, chapter 21. We will read the first four verses together. We are reading from the New king James version.

1 Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea. 2 Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
3 And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. 4 And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.

A New Heaven and A New Earth

I saw a New Heaven and a New Earth.There is coming a NEW heaven and a New Earth. This passage echoes Isaiah 65: 17behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; And the former shall not be remembered or come to mind.

The time is surely coming when the first heaven and earth which were created according to Genesis 1:1 will be “rolled up” and changed. God will create a totally new heaven and earth. The first creation had known the ‘touch’, contamination and presence of sin and the curse. God will create a pure new creation full of righteousness. Two other passages of scripture speak of this new creation. They are found in the Book of Hebrews and the second epistle of Peter.

Heb 1:10 to 12 (speaking of the Son): You, Lord, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth, And the heavens are the work of Your hands. 11 They will perish, but You remain; And they will all grow old like a garment; Like a cloak You will fold them up, And they will be changed. But You are the same, And Your years will not fail.

2 Peter 3:12 to 14the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat? 13 Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.

The Old Heaven and Earth Passed Away

This old earth is often a place of suffering, sadness, sin and the curse. The scriptures indicate that even the heavens will have been contaminated by satan’s hand. But all this will pass; one glorious day, God will create something wonderfully and gloriously new. What a privilege it will be, as one of God’s redeemed sons or daughters to stand on that day with God and hear him once again create and speak into being at his command a new universe. Perhaps we will hear that unimaginably wonderful voice of the Lord say, once again,,,,, “New earth come forth!”

As we God’s children have lived out our lives through this world we will have encountered many pains, hardships, struggles, persecutions, tribulations there. At times we may be tempted to feel that these tribulations should not be. Some of God’s children are even tempted to think that God cannot possibly care for them, allowing them to suffer in this way. But through it all, every trial and hardship as well as every satanic opposition we encounter will have had a purpose and is bringing forth God’s own nature into the fabric of our lives. (Rom 8:28).

Rom 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose

At the time of the New Creation God will have used many things to perfect His people:  Having redeemed us and born us again into “his forever family” God will have used Satan, Antichrist, the false prophet, weakness, hardship, and various other difficulties to perfect us. When that perfection process is over and complete God will no longer need the negative things of the old creation. He will say, “Satan, I don’t need you any more. Go to the lake of fire. Sickness, sorrow, and tears I don’t need you any more – you have served your purpose. Go to the lake of fire!  My people have been perfected! God will have no purpose for anything old anymore,

God will say, “ I don’t need you anything old. I don’t need the old heaven and I don’t need the old earth. All the old and negative things were instruments used by Me to perfect My people. Now that My people have been perfected, all these things may be put into the universal ‘trash can,’ the lake of fire.”

Our God will have Made  ALL THINGS NEW

If you have enjoyed this message so far and perhaps you would like to share with me some of your thoughts on ” heaven”. then please add your comments in the COMMENTS space below..

proceed to part 2 – there was No More Sea

or …… Perhaps you would like to read my – Commentary on The New Testament BOOK OF HEBREWS