What Is God’s Plan For Me?

Messenger Marcus answers the question, “What is God’s plan for me?” Scripture clearly shows us that even before the world was created God’s loving heart was planning to rescue broken mankind from its own lost destiny – bound for eternal hell. Marcus points to scriptures that clearly show that salvation from hell and the gift of abundant life is gloriously FREE to all who are willing to humble themselves to receive God’s FREE gift.

Eternally Loved

My friend, I do not know you, but I wish to say something to you today. No matter what you think of yourself and the way you live your life, I want to tell you that God The Father is not angry with you. He wants the very best for you life; he is the loving father of men and women who are eternally loved. This day he wants to give you THE FREE GIFT of eternal life. He sent His Only begotten Son to earth 2000 years ago to save you. Jesus
