The Ultimate Blasphemy

Evangelist Marcus shows from scripture that Matthew chapter 12 is a major turning point in the gospel of Matthew; here the Jewish leadership committed the ultimate blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Up to this point the ‘ Kingdom of Heaven’ was ONLY being preached to the Jews; it was a call to national repentance. If the nation at that point in time had received Jesus as their Messiah King, the Kingdom of God would have come to them. However, the Jewish leaders as described in Matthew chapter 12, attributed Jesus healing miracles to the power of satan, We will see from this time forward the Lord Jesus concentrates on teaching His disciples and preparing them to be His new man ( the Church) and teaching them that the gospel of God’s Grace was to be proclaimed after His resurrection to ALL NATIONS


Jesus Is All In All

In this Televised sermon from Butan City (Philippines), Evangelist Messenger Marcus proclaims that Jesus is all in all to the believer. As a basis of this wonderful truth he quotes Jesus statement in John chapter 6, that He is the ‘ Bread of Life.’ Marcus goes much deeper in the sermon and speaks about God’s Free gift of salvation through faith alone, the gracious call of God’s Spirit to the sinner and how even repentance is God’s merciful gift to us.