How To Honeymoon

In Psalm 45 we have a beautiful psalm celebrating the royal wedding, we saw it as is an inspired prophetic song concerning Christ and his bride the church.    We previously looked  at marriage in the light of scripture and saw what a wonderful, pure and sacred thing married sexual love is between a husband and wife.   It is God’s beautiful gift.   Now I will discuss that very sacred time called the honeymoon when each newly wed couple explore each other and begin to know each other more tenderly and  intimately!   If you are a Christian, I trust you will read this in purity because these things are written with the hope they will be a blessing to newly married Christian couples.

Below is some practical advice on how to enjoy your honeymoon to the full.

tiredPerhaps Wait Till Morning  – The wedding day can be such a busy time and at the end of the day both you and your love may be very tired. This time may be planned as the first and special time for sexual intimacy. Many brides like to “wait” until their wedding day for good reasons, but even if you have made love before your wedding night- you will want the fist time after marriage to be very memorable and special. On your wedding night you might consider waiting until the next morning for sexual intimacy.

Nothing is worse than feeling rushed, pressured or tired when you want to experience the delight of becoming or being one. A good nights sleep in each others arms may be the best thing to do. Then in the morning when you are fresh after the groom spreads flower petals on and around the bed you can both make love. Even if the decision is to be sexually intimate that night, it might be something worth discussing together now before the wedding day.

dontrushHusbands, Be A Slow Lover – Husbands, always remember that women love a “slow lover”.   Women love a man who is patient in bringing his wife to emotional and sexual arousal.  This is really a test for a man and when he is patient it shows his tenderness, love and consideration.   A man can be aroused quickly and reach orgasm in a few minutes while a woman normally needs much longer, typcally a minimum of 15 minutes.  Your bride may need slow carressess all over and kisses,  The husband should try and create an EMOTIONAL atmosphere that woos her heart.  Dim the lights, even sing to her; women love being sung to.  Tell her how beautiful she is.

thinkThink baths and massages  –  A jaccuzzi tub or even a plain old-fashioned bath is a great place to relax and also to get to know each other and each others bodies.  Giving each other body massages all over with massage-oil will help you both to be relaxed in being naked together.  Showering and taking baths is a great way to feel intimate and get used to each other.  Please remember  jacuzzi sex may be so easy as you thought.  It might be good to have fun but if you have to move to the bed for the “main event”, that’s honestly okay. And likely a lot easier.

First Night At Home?

Everything is better if you relax.   Maybe the fist night can be spent at home where you both feel more natural, comfortable and there is no pressure.  If the first night is spent in your home you will feel more relaxed,   and in this relaxed atmosphere things happen as they’re going to happen more spontaneously and naturally.  And please don’t worry about unrealistic ” first night expectations”.   You have the rest of your life together and sex is going to improve as you get more familiar with each other and each others needs.  I said earlier that it might be a good idea to just rest in each others arms the first night after the wedding.  Just enjoy each other and let things happen as they happen.   Anyway, I say again – A great wedding tip is –  wait for the morning to have sex even if you spend the fist night in your own new home! You’ll often  be too tired after the long day of your wedding! 


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How To Have A Fulfilling Marriage

Every Christian marriage  today is filled with excited hope.  Like the 1940 Pioneers settlers who crossed the Mississippi River looking for the precious gold!  
They were entering into a new land going for precious treasure
.  The way how to have a fulfilling marriage is to keep Jesus Christ at the centre.  With Jesus Christ at the center of a marriage – all these problems can not only be overcome, but by God’s help and grace – they can even be used as ” stepping stones” to success!

how to have a fulfilling marriageReach A New Horizon

Those early pioneers were filled with hope in the expectation of new territory and exciting wonders and perhaps riches that they have never seen before. Entering marriage as a couple is a bit like being a Pioneer Crossing into new territory. A new land of new experiences is stretching out before you both. Although countless couples have gone on before you to enter into the new land of married life, it’s still for you both an unsettled and unexplored land  and a new horizon before you.  

Hold Tight Your Dreams

Any pioneers crossing into new Land are filled with two things. The first thing they are filled with his new hope and excitement about what lies in the future. However the pioneers always also experience difficulties.   As a newly married couple you  both need to hold tight your dreams because there will be challenges along the way.

hold tight your dreams.Married couples are like that. They enter marriage with such hopes and dreams and excitement, and rightly so because a marriage with God at it’s center has the potential to be a very wonderful union with great and glorious potential. But as I said, there no doubt will be the challenging presence of difficulties of various kinds; these trials can make marriage stronger if endured with the correct attitude. However they can also destroy!

Communication Problems in a Marriage

This shattering of hopes and dreams need not happen but it is so sad that often a marriages hope shrivels up under the face of difficulties and trials that come.  Such difficulties in marriage sometimes break down what could be such a glorious union and destroy the fresh new hope that the couple had at the start of their relationship.  Communication problems in a marriage can bring discouragement and dismay may even quench the fire of love.

Christian Marriage Counseling

understanding each others sexual needs.Difficulties may take the form of arguments and sharp disagreements between husband and wife. There might also be also problems in the bedroom.  This can occur  when it comes to difficulties in understanding  each other’s sexual needs.  Sometimes trouble lie in difficulties in finances.  Difficulties can take many forms but these can quench, smother and Crush the hope that the newly wed couple had at the start.  Such problems sometimes drive Christian couples to seek Christian Marriage Counseling.

But as we will see in articles to come, with Jesus Christ at the center of a marriage – all these problems can not only be overcome, but by God’s help and grace – they can even be used as ” stepping stones” to a wonderful marriage union.

Chapters In This Series:

Please feel free to contact me via THIS WEBSITE’S contact form.  I would be so pleased to hear from you.  Please also feel free to leave me with any advice and any of your own experiences as we develop these articles together.   I will consider including any experiences of how the Lord has helped your marriage in blogs on this website.    GO TO – contact  Marcus at Bible Truths Revealed – to contact me.




God Loved The World So Much

Messenger (Evangelist ) Marcus ‘ breaks open; the verse in the New Testament that tells us how God loved the world so much that He gave HIS only begotten Son Jesus. This verse is probably the most well known verse. in scripture. One verse of the bible can hold so much truth and blessing and this verse is no exception. It has much to tell us of God’s nature and unique attributes.

A Profound Scripture

Today I want to talk about a profound scripture. It is probably the best known verse in the Bible. Yes, it is John 3:16. There is much wonderful truth in that scripture. Today we are going to look at that scripture, in more depth. The first thing we are going to do is ask a question. I guess most children ask their parents this question

Who And What Is God To Me

Yes,  I guess most children ask their parents this question: Who and what is God to me? Who made God? In a manner of speaking, God is unknowable and far beyond your comprehension. However, God has revealed himself to us in his word and when we are Children of God and filled with the Holy Spirit, the Lord will reveal many things about him to us. In the Scriptures, God reveals himself as the Eternal God.

Isa 57:15 –  For thus says the One who is high and lifted up, who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: “I dwell in the high and holy place, and also with him who is of a contrite and lowly spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly, and to revive the heart of the contrite.

The One Inhabiting Eternity

That means our God never ever had a beginning because He actually dwells in eternity. He existed eternity past and will exist in eternity future. Actually we could say that God exists in the past, present and future simultaneously, because he is “out of time” and is eternal. The fact that God is eternal also means that God will never have an end. All of us, (every human being) and every animal had a beginning and we surely will have an end. For example, I myself was born about 81 years ago, and my mother gave birth to me and gave me life. I definitely had a start. All of you who are listening to the sound of my voice had a beginning. But God does not need to be given life because he not only inhabits eternity and is self-sufficient, but he also has life in himself and is the only source of life.

In Him We Have Our Being

Listen to the truth of the wonder of the self-existent God. In Him we have our very being.   This gracious God is the source of all life and blessing as recorded in acts chapter 17.   Paul is addressing the philosophers of the pagan city of Athens ……….

Acts 17: 24 to 29 – What you worship as something unknown, I now proclaim to you. God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples made by human hands. 25Nor is He served by human hands, as if He needed anything, because He Himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else.

and continuing at verse 28 ………..

. 28‘For in Him we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are His offspring.’ 29Therefore, being offspring of God, we should not think that the Divine Being is like gold or silver or stone, an image formed by man’s skill and imagination.

. 28‘For in Him we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are His offspring.’ 29Therefore, being offspring of God, we should not think that the Divine Being is like gold or silver or stone, an image formed by man’s skill and imagination.

Eternal Life Is In Christ

The Lord Jesus told us as recorded  in the Gospel of John Chapter 5 verse 26,  “as the Father has life in Himself, so also He has granted the Son to have life in Himself.  
So Amen!  Our wonderful saviour has life in himself and he never had to be given life by anyone or anything. He is in reality full of eternal life, and also ALL THE FULNESS of the Godhead.

Col 2:9, 10 – in Christ all the fullness of the Deity dwells in bodily form. 10And you have been made complete in Christ, who is the head over every ruler and authority.


What Was The Great Commission?

Our saviour Jesus Christ, after His resurrection gave the church one supreme task. What was the great commission?

Jesus Takes Us High

In Matthew’s gospel chapter 8 we read in the Word of God that after HIS resurrection our Lord Jesus met his disciples on a mountain that he had previously appointed them to meet Him.

Mat 28: 16 to 20 – Meanwhile, the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain Jesus had designated. 17When they saw Him, they worshiped Him, but some doubted. 18Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. 19Therefore go and make disciplesd of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Our Lord longs to ………

Jesus Wonderful Presence


Let’s have Faith

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The Word of Power