The region of Miranga village is a poverty stricken place and currently (August 2024) the village has only ONE water point for a population of approximately 5000 people. I and Pastor James Otieno are currently seeking a borehole so that the population can always have clean water.
This is a very urgent need. It is especially urgent because as well as the need of providing the general population with water, this venture is especially urgent because of the large population of children. Everyone knows the importance of pure drinking water for children!
The small quantity of clean water from the one water point is from natural streams and It has served for generations. Although missionaries have tried to improve it there has been little advance in its usefulness.
In the gallery photos above, a young boy is bringing his sheep to water.Now that Kenya has experienced a long time drought, this one water hole is the only place where villagers can come for water! This water must be enough for drinking, cooking, bathing, laundry and for feeding the flocks. Every little helps towards fulfilling this mission of Christ’s mercy.
Our prayer is that soon we get bore hole with freshwater for the people. If you can find it in your heart, as led by the prompting of the Spirit of God you may donate by the DONATE link below.
Pastor James Otieno and I are starting up a “Rehabilitation Of Destitute Kenyan Single Mothers mission”. Many women have been deserted in pregnancy. Others have lost husbands due to sickness caused by poverty, water pollution and other causes. Especially for those who have recently come to faith in Christ we have a dream. It is our dream to keep them from sickness, starvation and the ever present temptation of prostitution due to extreme poverty. We are looking together for God to provide work of them in a community/ Christian fellowship environment.
With the single mothers program we are Intending to help those who have come to faith in Christ by giving training in employment skills. After training they will be able to earn a living, be a powerful witness to God’s mercy and care while being of help to the community. Out of 20 ladies Pastor James has identified 8 very needy ones for training and urgent action. All these ladies suffered much in their lives, for instance, Dorothy a single mother of three girls, (See her in Gallery below). Her parents died while she was only seven years old. Because of poverty she could not get to school and at the age of 15yrs she got pregnant for her first baby. Now she’s 19yrs and living in this house with three girls.
Pastor James says ” I reached these ladies with Gospel of Christ and they gave their lives to Jesus. The six previously were working as brewers of illicit liquor in the village and had many problems with authorities of the land. They also practised commercial sex and lived indecent lives before their kids. Now because they quit the illicit liquor business they are struggling and I fear they can go back to the old life if they don’t get something to do.” But we are all sinners and we thank God that these women have been radically changed , have a NEW POWER to live a noble life and are now as pure virgins in God’s eyes.
If you’re a Christian who feels led by God’s Spirit to help this project, you may donate by the link below
There will be Pastoral Care Safeguards The women’s re rehabilitation and training will be done close to Pastor James church area. If their are needs that some have to travel a little far from base, a basic residence will be rented at a cheep rate and they will be given pastoral visits frequently.
My name is John Marcus Philpott, known globally as an evangelist and Bible teacher. I am trying both to help and encourage persecuted Christian communities from Pakistan who suffer much from religious extremists. This persecution sadly occurs much although forbidden by law of Pakistan government.
I am working in fellowship in this endeavour with Pakistani Bishop Bhati who I have known for the past eighteen years. He is a servant of God who has been ‘shepherding’ God’s flock on his missionary journey through Thailand, Singapore, and Malaysia. He has dedicated the last ten years to supporting persecuted Christian asylum seekers and refugees and has conducted comprehensive research on the extreme needs of these persecuted Pakistani Christians, including new believers, seasoned Christians, and professing Christians. As well as seeking to help Christians still living in Pakistan, Bishop Bhati and I are seeking to set up a shelter/rehabilitation centre for fleeing persecuted refugees in Malaysia.This centre will offer emotional support, compassionate listening, and prayerful assistance to help them recover from their suffering.
Turning to the matter of religious persecution in Pakistan, according to observations by British international news channels, the persecution faced by Pakistani Christians is a global concern. These Christians endure forced conversions, forced marriages, the burning of churches and Christian colonies, and even live burnings. They live under constant threat.
Recently, in Sargodha, Pakistan, a Christian man was beaten to death, and Christian houses and business was set on fire. His death was concealed and kept in the hospital to calm down international media. Such extreme hatred and discrimination fuel brutal attacks, often supported by fabricated cases and misuse of laws.
The outcomes of persecution faced by Pakistani Christians manifest in several significant and severe ways, resulting in widespread suffering, loss of life and property, legal injustices, mental health crises, psychological trauma, and displacement as stateless individuals seeking asylum. This situation highlights a dire need for international attention and intervention.
Upon arrival in other countries, refugees require immediate assistance, including legal support, shelter, medical care, spiritual encouragement, and psychological counselling. Their successful integration into new societies involves adapting to new languages, cultures, traditions, and food. Comprehensive support systems are crucial to address both their immediate and long-term needs, enabling them to rebuild their lives in safety and dignity, both practically and spiritually.
While persecution of Christians is technically illegal in Pakistan, the unfortunate reality is that the police often fail to address it. I humbly ask that you help support this cause. Thank you so much!
Messenger Marcus takes a closer look at the Holy Trinity. Who are the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Marcus shows that we need all three of the Trinity for an abundant life enjoying our salvation and eternal destiny. He proves from scripture the DEITY of all three. The Trinity is not just a doctrinal theological theory. The Trinity if for our blessing and enjoyment!
Messenger Marcus brings an exposition of John 13:1. There was an old gospel song, “Now I belong to Jesus, Jesus belongs to e”. We speak of the wonder of belonging to him. We also remember that there is more than one reason we have been left in this dark sin-filled world. Then we consider the Great love of our saviour and the heights he has lifted us up to.
Messenger Marcus preaches on a very precious portion of scripture. Please join me as together we meditate and bathe in the wonderful theme of ” THE HUMILITY AND EXALTATION OF JESUS CHRIST” from Philippians chapter 2. Maybe those of you who enjoy this ministry will LIKE it share this message with others . I love you all in Jesus Name
Messenger Marcus proclaims the wonderful truth that we who are redeemed and born again by Gods grace can trust in Jehovah completely. Marcus takes his tet from the book of Provers. Prov 3:5v – Trust in Jehovah with all thy heart, And lean not upon thine own understanding: 6In all thy ways acknowledge him, And he will direct thy paths. 7Be not wise in thine own eyes; Fear Jehovah, and depart from evil: 8It will be health to thy navel, And marrow to thy bones.
Messenger Marcus expounds First John chapter 1. Marcus first quotes verse one as being very significant. The apostle John commences the epistle with a grand , indefiniteness – ” THAT which was from the beginning”. Not “Him who!” He will be proclaiming the glorious Person of Jesus Christ but not only this. He is going to declare also His Being and all that relates to Him, His gospel, the treasures of wisdom that lay in Him, His truth, all that could be known about Him by human understanding as guided and taught by the Holy Spirit.
God Exists Outside Time And Space
The apostle takes us back to “the beginning” This One was already there when the heaven and earth where created (Genesis 1:1). He was there when , according to John’s Gospel He created all things.
John 1:1 to 3 – In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made, and without Him nothing was made that has been made.
Einstein’s theory of realativity teaches us that space, time and matter are interdependent. With no space, without any matter created, – time itself would not exist. Our Lord, the creator God exists outside time and space.
The Supreme Emptying
The heart of John and all the apostles of the Lord was inflamed with awesome gratitude, wonder and love as they gazed captivated at the lengths that our Lord went in emptying himself of all his God attributes to walk amongst us. The book of Philippians describes his amazing emptying he went through to become as mortal man, ( Phil 2: 6, 7). He who knew all things and all heavens mysteries emptied himself as he walked amongst us; Jesus had to learn and study as we do and had to grow in wisdom ( Luke 2:52). When Jesus asked the sick ones how long they had been sick – he was asking a genuine question, ( Mark 9:21)! He as true man, did not know while he sojourned among us the day and hour that he would return to earth, (Mark 13:32 ). He who was omnipresent ( filling all of heavens, earth and even the lower regions could only minister, teach and heal in one place at a time. No longer was Jesus omnipotent and able to achieve anything by his power. He had voluntarily decided to rely on the power of The Holy Spirit.
Acts 10:38- God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.
John’s heart was filled with wonder that he and the other apostles of the Lord had heard the beautiful voice of ‘ That which was from the beginning’. That they had seen this One with mortal eyes and because they were so transfixed by the life of this man full of grace and truth they had gazed at him and his anointed ministry with rapt awe. They had even touched this eternal, almighty, one with lovely human hands and known his loving touch.