How Christ Is Superior To The Angels

Messenger Marcus takes us through Hebrews chapter 1, showing how Christ is superior to the angels. He takes us on a tour through the new testament proving conclusively that the Lord Jesus Christ is none other than the Mighty God – The almighty eternal Jehovah.

The Glorious Final Revelation

(Heb 1:1 to 3)

Before the wonderful Son of God made the long and condescending journey from the heights of His eternal majesty to this sin scarred earth God spoke to man.  He spoke through successive generations in many different ways.  Sometimes God spoke by personal directions.  At other times by dreams,  visions, divine influences on the minds of the prophets.

But after coming to this earth to save us, the Son of God brought in Himself the glorious final revelation of God.    This final revelation of the Son is far more excellent than the former revelations given  to the prophets.  As we behold the blessed Son we see the glory of God in Jesus face, (2 Cor 4:6).    In Jesus face we  are enabled to behold  the power, wisdom, and goodness of the Father.  Moreover it is such comfort to those that trust him to know that  the fulness of the Godhead dwells in Him   what a glorious reality this is to comfort our hearts ( Col 2:9).

When,  after the fall of man, the world was breaking to pieces under the wrath and curse of God, the Son of God (the creator of all things) purchased our redemption by His precious blood.  He undertook the  work of redemption, sustaining  it by his almighty power and goodness. We never can be thankful enough that God has in so many ways, and with such increasing clearness, spoken to us fallen sinners concerning salvation. We can never be thankful enough that He gave Himself for us and that by Himself he should cleanse us from our sins!  Thus is a wonder of love beyond our utmost powers of admiration, gratitude, and praise.  

The Son’s Shekinah Glory

The Son of God brings the shekinah glory of God. This is the manifest presence of Jehovah often spoken of in the Old Testament. We read for instance how the manifest presence and ” the glory of The Lord rested upon Mount Sinai” (Ex. xxiv. 16). In the new testament the original Greek language of the bible uses the word ‘doxa’ to describe this glory. Thus Hebrews 1:3, corresponds to The Son’s shekinah glory.

Heb 1:3 – And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power. When He had made purification of sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high,( NASB)

Just as the suns rays that warm the earth cannot be separated from the sun itself, so Jesus Christ his son our Lord and saviour shining forth from the Father is God, even as the Father is God.


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