Messenger Marcus encourages all Christian believers with the reality that Jesus frees from all fear when we are in dynamic love relationship with him.
Messenger Marcus encourages all Christian believers with the reality that Jesus frees from all fear when we are in dynamic love relationship with him.
Messenger Marcus proclaims that Jesus is our all in all. Everything we need comes from him. The book of Hebrews chapter 12 is often said to describe Jesus as the pioneer of faith. However Marcus describes how our glorious Lord is also the pioneer of all excellent virtues; he is the pioneer and source also of hope and love.
Jesus Christ is the source of faith. We turn to Hebrews chapter 12, verses 1 and 2 to read about the ‘trail blazing Christ’.
…… Hebrews 12:1, 2 – Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off every encumbrance and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with endurance the race set out for us. 2Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.
The preceding chapter 11 is known as ‘ the gallery of faith filled men and women.’ Abraham, Isaiah, Rahab, Moses and others who lived and died in faith; also Enoch, who of course was carried straight to heaven without tasting death, As we come to chapter 12 we see that Jesus is the ‘file-leader’ – The one at the front of the procession! All the others mentioned in the preceding chapter are all following him because he is the leader as well as the source of faith! He alone is the dynamic hero and leader of faith.
But Jesus is not just the trail blazer and leader of faith, He was and is the dynamic prince and source of passionate, burning, unfailing love! He is the supreme example of enduring, overflowing hope! Oh he had faith! Oh he had love! Oh he had a shining and victorious hope that endured all trials and never failed.
Jesus had faith as he walked this earth as a true man. He had faith that he would be able (as he yielded his will to God His father) to rescue and redeem a sin soaked humanity. He had faith that men and women could be gathered together into the ‘fold of God.’
Messenger Marcus proclaims the power and value of believers baptism; this precious ordinance is in many churches the forgotten command of Christ. Baptism is a beautiful symbol, but it is far more than a symbol – every baptism is a powerful God ordained time.
Messenger Marcus answers the question, “What is God’s plan for me?” Scripture clearly shows us that even before the world was created God’s loving heart was planning to rescue broken mankind from its own lost destiny – bound for eternal hell. Marcus points to scriptures that clearly show that salvation from hell and the gift of abundant life is gloriously FREE to all who are willing to humble themselves to receive God’s FREE gift.
My friend, I do not know you, but I wish to say something to you today. No matter what you think of yourself and the way you live your life, I want to tell you that God The Father is not angry with you. He wants the very best for you life; he is the loving father of men and women who are eternally loved. This day he wants to give you THE FREE GIFT of eternal life. He sent His Only begotten Son to earth 2000 years ago to save you. Jesus
New Christian converts are blessed with God’s gift of Baptism. They are buries with the Lord Jesus and also raised with him to a new life of glory that awaits them. Messenger Marcus takes a deeper look at all that God accomplishes in baptism; he also looks at God’s strategy for spiritual victory which is found in Romans chapter 6. This message was preached on 11-02-2024.
Messenger Marcus preaches on the rich fruit of character that will be in our lives as we are living in the presence of God. The fruit of the Spirit mentioned in Gal 5:22, 23 – these are actually the attributes of the wonderful Jesus. When we are immersed in His glorious presence we ourselves will be filled with Christ’s fruit.
In Exodus chapter 33 verse 14 God said to Moses, “My presence wit go with you and I will give you rest”. In this scripture narrative Moses basically said. – “Lord if you presence doesn’t go with me I don’t want to go anywhere”! That should be our attitude in life because – when we try to live life ( even as Spirit filled Christians) living out our own will and doing our own plans and making our own efforts we are are wasting time and spoiling the deep fellowship with God that is our birthright. God is not with us in the way he could be if we were totally committed to him his ways is power and his will. We need to be travelling in God’s direction. Not outside if Him: Living in the presence of God should be our earnest desire.
As we continue in life, from time to time we will sin; if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the TRUTH is not in us, (1 John 1:8). We will need to be cleanse from all sin. We thank God that the blood of the Lord Jesus is always available to continually wash us from all sin. At the times we fail and feel under a guilt cloud we thank God that Jesus Blood cleanses all sin, (1 John 1:9). We also need to be filled continuously with the Holy Spirit. Just one filling will not do. We need continually to be filled every day with God’s Spirit. Ephesians 5:18 speaks these words
Eph 5:18, 19 – do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, 19speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord,
Colossians ( in a parallel passage) reads:
Col 3:16 – Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
Thank God there is cleansing. Thank God there is filling and thank God there is abundance of blessings as we follow the Lord.
Messenger Marcus preaches on the preciousness of Christ. He preaches on how the apostle Paul came to have one ‘ consuming magnificent obsession” – Jesus Christ! Before his conversion he hated Jesus Christ, Christians and the Christian Faith and was very rich and influential; he had ‘ the world at his feet.’ But when the risen Lord revealed himself to Paul this caused him to be a dynamo of love for Jesus.
Messenger Marcus shows us how that we are mightily empowered to serve God. First the Holy Spirit gifts us with the special abilities we need to serve; this is our basic gifting. Then the Lord Jesus leads us into our ministry calling. ( Normally to one degree or another this will be as a leader, a prophetic emphasis, evangelistic profile or a personality apt to teach). Finally God the father wants to enable the members of His church to operate in miraculous spiritual operations of power; healing, miracles, faith, prophecy etc.
Our wonderful God is ONE God and yet He exists as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God the Father is the source and “Long Term Planner”. He chose to create and also redeem us from eternity before ever the universe or even time itself existed, (Eph 1:4). The Father sent The Son of God to come and visited this planet and walked amongst us.
The Son, taking our human nature suffered with us and for us as he carried away the sins we had committed in His love for us on calvary’s cruel cross. Three days later He rose from the dead!. The Son of God ( Jesus) is himself the very complete fullness of God. We are complete in every way if we know and are in union with Him. He is ALL WE NEED!
Then there is the Holy Spirit. He enters within us as The Life Giving Spirit of Jesus Christ to supply us with all God’s riches we will ever need. Jesus and The Father dwell within us and fellowship with us as we receive God’s Holy Spirit.
Evangelist Marcus shows from scripture that Matthew chapter 12 is a major turning point in the gospel of Matthew; here the Jewish leadership committed the ultimate blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Up to this point the ‘ Kingdom of Heaven’ was ONLY being preached to the Jews; it was a call to national repentance. If the nation at that point in time had received Jesus as their Messiah King, the Kingdom of God would have come to them. However, the Jewish leaders as described in Matthew chapter 12, attributed Jesus healing miracles to the power of satan, We will see from this time forward the Lord Jesus concentrates on teaching His disciples and preparing them to be His new man ( the Church) and teaching them that the gospel of God’s Grace was to be proclaimed after His resurrection to ALL NATIONS