Christians Killed In Pakistan

My name is John Marcus Philpott, known globally as an evangelist and Bible teacher. I am trying both to help and encourage persecuted Christian communities from Pakistan who suffer much from religious extremists. This persecution sadly occurs much although forbidden by law of Pakistan government.

I am working in fellowship in this endeavour with Pakistani Bishop Bhati who I have known for the past eighteen years. He is a servant of God who has been ‘shepherding’ God’s flock on his missionary journey through Thailand, Singapore, and Malaysia. He has dedicated the last ten years to supporting persecuted Christian asylum seekers and refugees and has conducted comprehensive research on the extreme needs of these persecuted Pakistani Christians, including new believers, seasoned Christians, and professing Christians. As well as seeking to help Christians still living in Pakistan, Bishop Bhati and I are seeking to set up a shelter/rehabilitation centre for fleeing persecuted refugees in Malaysia. This centre will offer emotional support, compassionate listening, and prayerful assistance to help them recover from their suffering.

Turning to the matter of religious persecution in Pakistan, according to observations by British international news channels, the persecution faced by Pakistani Christians is a global concern. These Christians endure forced conversions, forced marriages, the burning of churches and Christian colonies, and even live burnings. They live under constant threat.

Recently, in Sargodha, Pakistan, a Christian man was beaten to death, and Christian houses and business was set on fire. His death was concealed and kept in the hospital to calm down international media. Such extreme hatred and discrimination fuel brutal attacks, often supported by fabricated cases and misuse of laws.

The outcomes of persecution faced by Pakistani Christians manifest in several significant and severe ways, resulting in widespread suffering, loss of life and property, legal injustices, mental health crises, psychological trauma, and displacement as stateless individuals seeking asylum. This situation highlights a dire need for international attention and intervention.

Upon arrival in other countries, refugees require immediate assistance, including legal support, shelter, medical care, spiritual encouragement, and psychological counselling. Their successful integration into new societies involves adapting to new languages, cultures, traditions, and food. Comprehensive support systems are crucial to address both their immediate and long-term needs, enabling them to rebuild their lives in safety and dignity, both practically and spiritually.

While persecution of Christians is technically illegal in Pakistan, the unfortunate reality is that the police often fail to address it. I humbly ask that you help support this cause. Thank you so much!

Here is the Link to – Fundraiser

More Videos of Violence and Persecution against Christians in Pakistan can be seen in – VIOLENCE AGAINST PAKISTANS CHRISTIANS


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